Suyash Singh
Posted by Suyash Singh
19 days ago on July 13, 2024
Photo by on Unsplash

Motivation for building Circuit

Building Circuit stemmed from straightforward motives. For years, I’ve relied on an Android app to time my workouts and perform high-intensity interval training (HIT). Inspired by my experiences, I wanted to create a personalized solution that integrates my knowledge of React Native Reanimated animations.


Circuit offers programmable timer routines designed to enhance workout sessions. It provides real-time feedback on current routines, work time periods, and rest time periods, ensuring users can tailor their workouts effectively to meet their fitness goals.

Tech Stack

  • React Native
  • React Native Animations
  • Typescript


Screens of Circuit

User interactions

Flows of Circuit

Further Documentation

I have expanded further in my blog posts on essential topics such as setting up React Native Reanimated for React Native CLI Android app.